CBS-OLDS on the words of Fr. Edward Tetteh

2014 Black History Month Mass

2013 CBS-OLDS Black History Month Celebration

CBS-OLDS 2012 Christmas Mass


CBS-OLDS 2012 Christmas Carols

CBS-OLDS Adult Choir Sings at the 2012 Eucharistic Congress

Leo Mantovani - Brazilian Catholic Singer/composer sings after communion at CBS-OLDS



Ouvi Tua voz que perguntava: "Quem enviarei, quem irá por mim?"

I heard your voice asking: “who shall I send, who will go for me?”

Tentei fugir quis resistir. Com lábios impuros não poderia ir

I tried to escape, resist. With impure lips I could not go.

Mas Tua mão, me alcançou, tocou meus lábios, me purificou
But your hands got me, touched my lips, purified me

Me deu coragem para dizer: Eis-me aqui Senhor, envia-me.

It gave courage to say: I am here Lord, send me.

Sim eu irei , e contarei a tua história cantarei a tua glória

Yes, I will go and tell your story, I will sing your Glory

Sim eu irei. Proclamarei que És Senhor e Rei. Às nações que me enviares, 

Yes, I will go and proclaim that you are Lord and King. To the nations which you send me

anunciarei. És o único digno de louvor.

I will announce. You are the only and worthy of Praise.

2012 Diocese of Trenton Eucharistic Congress - Youth Day - Mass

Diocese of Trenton - Eucharistic Congress - Saturday Mass

2012 Eucharistic Congress - Diocese of Trenton - Closing Mass

2012 CBS-OLDS Annual Revival 

Black History Month 2012

World Marriage Day 2012

Carols De. 24th and Christmas Mass Dec. 25th.

70th. Anniversary of Our lady of the Divine Shepherd Church

Revival 2011 Thursday - Welcoming night

Revival 2011 Friday - Youth Night

Revival 2011 Saturday - Praise and Worship night

Revival 2011 Sunday Mass

Fr. Andrino´s Installation as Pastor

Parish Retreat 2010

Revival 2010

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